Merge results from analysis performed in PLINK with the true values used by the simulation.




path to the folder containing the data, including "/" or "\\" at the end. The function can not take relative paths, i.e. the user always needs to specify the full path to the directory.


A data.table containing the different results from the files.


The function only takes a directory as input and then prompts the user to decide which files in the directory should be loaded. Therefore, simulation data and results from analysis_association() should reside in the same directory in order to be merged.
The names of the columns are created by adding the name of the file as suffix. E.g., the P-values from an analysis named GWAS.assoc will be in the column named "P_GWAS".
True effect sizes are stored in the column "beta". True MAFs of SNPs are stored in the column "MAFs".
Note that this function is not supposed to load phenotype information, but rather loads data relating directly to the SNPs. See load_phenotypes() for reading phenotype related data.